Thursday, November 09, 2006

Boring Dr Visit

I went to the doctor this morning and there is not really anything to tell. He came in the room and said, "Your weight, blood pressure, blood work and urine all look fine. Any questions?" It completely blew my mind, so I couldn't think of anything to ask. We did BRIEFLY discuss labor and delivery, I am NOT getting an epidural because of my back problems. So we discussed alternate pain meds. Which I can only get in the beginning, nothing near the end. But that's ok, I feel like I am tough enough to take the pain....or atleast that is what I am telling myself.

The nurse checked the baby and I am measuring 31 wks, which I am, and the heartrate was 147-150. The baby is head down and was VERY active while she was trying to check everything. My next appointment is Nov 21. {The day before Sullivan's birthday}.


Melissa said...

Things will go good. I am so happy for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everything went well. See you guys on Saturday!