Friday, December 07, 2007

Gingerbread Night & A Book for Sullivan

We attended the first grade Gingerbread night at school this week. Spencer has a blast making his house. Then after school the next day he ate most of it. I tried to convince him to save it, but he said he wanted to eat it. We had so much fun...NOW it seems like christmas!
We purchased a book and donated it to the library in memory of Sullivan's 8th birthday. The book was presented to Spencer Wednesday on the morning show. Also, speaking of one of my classes this week, we read the book "The Crippled Lamb". This book is AWESOME! While talking with Janice on the phone, she looked it up and Books a million has it for $5.95. I would highly encourage you to go out and get this book. It's such a sweet book and really makes you appreciate life.
Have a great weekend!